Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS
Prambanan Temple: Indonesia's 1000 years old Indian Connection
Blog South East Asia

Prambanan Temple: Indonesia’s 1000-year-old Indian Connection!

Prambanan Temple: Indonesia’s 1,000-year-old Indian Connection Two thousand years ago, when Indian religion and culture flourished in south-East Asia, magnificent temples called Prambanan were built on Java Island. Time-circumstances destroyed the grand architecture of Prambanan Temple, dedicated to Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh. For thousands of years, it fell into a coma—and then became conscious again! Suvarna-dvipa : Tracing …

Places to Visit in Singapore
Blog South East Asia

7 Wonders of Singapore: Captivating Places to Visit in Singapore!

7 Wonders of Singapore: Captivating Places to Visit in Singapore! Singapore, which can hardly be found on the map of the earth due to its insignificant area of ​​700 square kilometers, occupies a prominent position on the tourist map of the world. Singapore does not have natural beauty attractions that attract tourists, so it has …

Kuala Lumpur: Where Tradition Meets Modernity in South-East Asia
Blog South East Asia

Kuala Lumpur: Tradition Meets Modernity in Southeast Asia

Kuala Lumpur: Tradition Meets Modernity in Southeast Asia Kuala Lumpur, the bustling capital of Malaysia, is a city that beautifully harmonizes tradition and modernity. Nestled on the Malay Peninsula, this vibrant metropolis has captured the hearts of travelers from around the world. As in many Asian countries, the British also ruled over Malaysia, during which …

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