Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS
Prambanan Temple: Indonesia's 1000 years old Indian Connection
Blog South East Asia

Prambanan Temple: Indonesia’s 1000-year-old Indian Connection!

Prambanan Temple: Indonesia’s 1,000-year-old Indian Connection Two thousand years ago, when Indian religion and culture flourished in south-East Asia, magnificent temples called Prambanan were built on Java Island. Time-circumstances destroyed the grand architecture of Prambanan Temple, dedicated to Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh. For thousands of years, it fell into a coma—and then became conscious again! Suvarna-dvipa : Tracing …

Pavagadh: renovated temple of Kali Malta. Courtesy: Gujarat Tourism
Blog Gujarat

Journey Back in Time: Discovering Champaner-Pavagadh!

Journey Back in Time: Discovering the Enchanting Charm of Champaner Pavagadh Pavagadh is known for the temple of Goddess Mahakali on its top. These hills are so massive that the importance of Champaner at its base is obvious. Despite being a natural site, Champaner and its surrounding area have many ancient structures, and most of …

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